The i-NAF structure is designed to deliver the same integrity, representation and accountability that we look for and encourage in our clients. The structure and its operation are overseen by various independent bodies. Our Board, Committees and staff are based in two countries.

The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body of the organisation.
The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body of the organisation which is charged with the following key tasks:
Overall policy direction of the organisation
Appointment of Committees and their members
The Board consists of a minimum of 5 individuals appointed in a manner that safeguards impartiality and enables the participation of all parties significantly concerned in the development and principles regarding the content and functioning of the work undertaken.
The Board appoints an Natural Accreditation (Executive) Committee of a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary to provide closer supervision and support to the senior management.
The i-NAF Board has appointed two decision-making committees to distance the task of making decisions on accreditation from the non-technical aspects of the organisation.
1. Natural Accreditation Committee (Executive Committee)
The i-NAF Board has appointed a decision-making committee to distance the task of making decisions on accreditation from the non-technical aspects of the organisation. This technical committee is appointed to ensure a balance of interests, representation and geography as well as a wealth of expertise in conformity assessment.
Vegan and Management Systems are also the responsibility of this committee.
2. Halal Accreditation Committee
3. Ecogloballabels Accreditation Committee
4. Technic Committee
5. i-NAF MLA Committee
Although with a headquarters in the North Macedonia the i-NAF has always operated a virtual office with staff members being appointed for their knowledge and skills without concern for their being able to work in a certain geographical location.
D.External Evaluators
The i-NAF collaborates with a number of external experts who assist us on specialist topics during assessments or support us more generally.