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1. Background

The role of the i-NAF Technical Committee is to review technical issues.

2. Duties and responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of Technical Committee are to:

a) review draft and / or published mandatory/guidance documents on the application of ISO/IEC/OIC/SMIIC/NSO/ISQ-NAPX Standards and Guides which relate to conformity assessment activities;

b) review draft and / or published i-NAF/IAF/IHAF etc. technical criteria for the entry of members into the MLA;

c) recommend adoption by i-NAF of IAF/IHAF etc. mandatory/guidance documents with amendments as necessary to meet i-NAF needs;

d) consider questions relating to the operation of accreditation programs, and the need for development of mandatory or guidance documents for such programs;

e) make recommendations to the Accreditation Committee for submission to IHAF/IAF, ISQ-NAPX/NSO/SMIIC or other appropriate organizations on behalf of i-NAF for the development of such documents;

f) at the request of the i-NAF Accreditation Committee, to canvass procedures and practices of i-NAF member bodies relating to accreditation.

3. Membership

Chair: The Chair of the Technical Committee shall be appointed by the i-NAF Natural Accreditation Committee from among the membership of i-NAF.

Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair of the Technical Committee shall be appointed by the i-NAF Natural Accreditation Committee from among the membership of i-NAF.

Members: The membership of the Technical Committee is limited to one delegate appointed by each i-NAF Member. Members may be accompanied by advisers or other persons with the permission of the Chair.

4. Term of service

4.1 The term of service of each participant in the Technical Committee shall be determined by the member that he or she represents. Members are required to notify the Secretariat in writing if there is a change to their representative or liaison officer.

4.2 The term of service of the Chair of the Technical Committee is no more than two full three-year terms, or in the case of having served partial terms, a total of six years. If no replacement can be found, the term may be extended by one year at a time, with members asked to nominate a replacement after that time.

5. Meeting frequency

The Technical Committee shall meet as frequently as is necessary to manage its activities. The meetings shall be called by the Chair of the Technical Committee.

6. Quorum

The quorum at a meeting shall be at least 50% of the nominated members, of whom at least one shall be the Chair or the Vice Chair.

7. Voting

7.1 The Technical Committee shall seek to make all decisions by consensus. If a vote is necessary the votes of the majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall determine the decision.

7.2 Each member of the Technical Committee has one vote; the Chair has a casting vote.

8. Reporting

Not applicable.
