Natural Accreditation Body and Regional Accreditation Groups of i-NAF are admitted to the i-NAF MLA only after a most stringent evaluation of their operations by a peer evaluation team which is charged to ensure that the applicant member complies fully with both the international standards and i-NAF requirements. Once an accreditation body is a signatory of the i-NAF MLA it is required to recognise the certificates issued by conformity assessment bodies accredited by all other signatories of the i-NAF MLA, with the appropriate scope.
i-NAF is encouraging more of its Natural Accreditation Body and Regional Accreditation Groups to join the MLA as soon as they have passed a rigorous evaluation process to ensure that their natural accreditation programs are of world standard. The consequence of joining the i-NAF MLA is that conformity assessment certificates issued within the sub-scopes of the i-NAF MLA by conformity assessment bodies accredited by an accreditation body i-NAF MLA signatory will be recognised in the worldwide i-NAF program.