i-NAF Statement on COVID-19 Coronavirus (Sars-COV2) Pandemic
i-NAF continues to monitor advice to assess the developments and risks following the outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus disease (Sars-COV2). This situation has led to safety concerns and disruptions in activities in economies that may affect accredited natural conformity assessment activities.
Natural accreditation bodies may be considering and/or implementing alternative arrangements to conduct assessments such conducting assessments remotely or rescheduling activities if necessary. These arrangements where required are being put in place to ensure the health and safety of accreditation body staff, assessment team members and certification and inspection body staff, whilst not compromising the integrity of the natural accreditation process.
Details of specific actions that may be required by an natural accreditation body to comply with the advice from the related government authorities will be released each economy.
i-NAF will implement IAF guidelines in this process. Following the guidance set out in IAF ID3:2011 (IAF Informative Document For Management of Extraordinary Events or Circumstances Affecting ABs, CABs and Certified Organizations), relevant Accreditation Bodies and Certification Bodies have introduced or are introducing alternative arrangements to conduct assessments. This may involve e.g. making arrangements to conduct assessments remotely or rescheduling activities if necessary. Both ABs and CBs can find the requirements on how to use information and communication technologies to support and maintain the integrity of the audit/assessment process in IAF MD 4 (Mandatory Document for the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Auditing/Assessment Purposes).
These measures have been/are being put in place to ensure the health and safety of Natural Accreditation Body and Natural Certification Body staff, as well as to maintain robust accredited certification and ensure certified organizations are served in the best way possible.
Pandemic situation reports can be found on the World Health Organization (WHO - www.who.int) website.
Details of your local i-NAF member organization can be found on the we are website (www.i-naf.org).